24-Week Half Marathon Training Plan

I’ve consistently been running 3 to 4 miles about three days a week so I have a tiny bit of a foundation going into my half marathon training, but I’ve never run more than 5 miles at a time! With that in mind, I wanted to find a plan that would allow me to gradually work my way up to the 13.1 miles over the next several months. Here’s the 24-week plan that I found to help me get there! To view a larger, printable version click here.


About the author
Hi! I'm Emily, a 30-year-old, full-time public relations CEO and Christian, and part-time equestrian and workout enthusiast. I run my own public relations firm, RandolphPR, and share bits and pieces of my life here at EmilyRiden.com!

One Comment

  1. I've been looking for a decent 24 week schedule, thank you! Most of them are 20 weeks and start adding miles too quick, I think I stand a chance at this one. And I saw you're from PSU, GO STATE!

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