How To: Horse Show Ribbon Lamp

Up until just last summer, the walls of my bedroom at my parents’ house were lined with horse show ribbons, and I know for a fact* that I’m not the only young rider who grew up with horse show ribbons as a major form of bedroom decor. (*This fact is based on 90 percent of my horse friends’ bedrooms.)

In updating my bedroom for basically the first time since I was about 16, I threw away a large majority of my ribbons, but there were a number of them (particularly the blue ones) that I wanted to hold on to. So I decided to come up with a more adult way to save them, so reverted to these simple glass fillable lampshades from Target:

Now this is where I admit that this isn’t really much of “how to” because there’s no explanation really necessary…Once you have the lamp, all you need to do is:

  1. Gather up some horse show ribbons of your choosing.
  2. Roll them nicely with the rosette portion on top.
  3. Place them inside the lamp anyway that you like.
  4. Reattach the top of lamp.

If this takes you more than 10-15 minutes, you’re probably doing it wrong…

I added these lamp shades – also from Target – to the lamp bases and stuck a lamp on my desk and one on my night stand. And viola! Super affordable, easy ribbon lamps complete!

About the author
Hi! I'm Emily, a 30-year-old, full-time public relations CEO and Christian, and part-time equestrian and workout enthusiast. I run my own public relations firm, RandolphPR, and share bits and pieces of my life here at!